Should I Take Creatine While Trying To Lose Belly Fat?

Should I Take Creatine While Trying To Lose Belly Fat?

There is no doubt that when you are trying to get in shape and lose weight, you will have a lot of questions so that you can learn as much useful information as you can to help increase your chances of success. One such query could be: “If I want to reduce my belly fat, should I take creatine?”

You cannot gain or lose weight by taking creatine. Creatine monohydrates won’t interfere with your attempts to lose body fat. To learn more about creatine, read this article.


Creatine monohydrate is a combination of amino acids that supply energy during intense muscular contractions. Your creatine reserves decrease as you train harder. You naturally produce about 2 g of creatine, but you can give your muscles more by taking supplements.

According to a 1999 study published in “The European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology,” men participating in a strength training program while taking creatine noticed an increase in lean body mass without an increase in body fat.

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Function Of Creatine

The pancreas, liver, and kidneys in your body produce creatine on their own. Creatine is stored in the muscle tissue as phosphocreatine. Creatine supplements can increase the amount of creatine stored in your muscles because they can store more phosphocreatine than your body can.

When you perform brief bursts of intense exercise, like lifting weights, phosphocreatine provides additional energy to your muscles. It enables you to perform more sets and repetitions in the weight room. However, it has no direct effect on the oxidization of belly fat.

Belly Fat

A serious health concern that raises your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes is having too much belly fat. Bodyweight or belly fat cannot be reduced by creatine alone. For the first week after starting to take creatine supplements, you might even put on weight.

Your muscle tissue’s cells are retaining more water, which is the cause of this. Your metabolism will speed up and your ability to burn fat for energy will improve as a result of taking creatine.

This suggests that even after you stop taking the supplements, regular exercise will continue to help you burn belly fat over the long term.

Should I Take Creatine While Trying To Lose Belly Fat?

Fat Loss & Creatine

You need to burn calories when trying to lose weight, so the more you exercise and consume fewer calories, the more weight you’ll undoubtedly lose.

When you combine a diet with a muscle-building regimen, you may reach a point where taking the right kind of creatine can eventually contribute to your ability to burn fat.

Because of the fact that creatine promotes more strength, power, and stamina to it will give you the energy and strength to be able to participate in highly intense workouts that will lead to you burning more of the fat that you want to get rid of.

Cardio exercises will aid in weight loss, but if you add weightlifting a few times per week, along with creatine, to your routine, your metabolism will be greatly accelerated.

You will gain from adding creatine to the aforementioned mixture because it will improve your performance and give you more power and strength when you lift weights.

Taking creatine will also enable you to complete significantly more repetitions and even sets of more demanding exercises.


Start by keeping a record of everything you eat and drink, including water, as well as your nutrient intake. Calculate how many calories you consume each day, and monitor your weight frequently.

You know how many calories you need to consume each day to maintain your weight if you don’t lose or gain any. Start your diet by removing 250 calories from this each day.

First, cut out saturated fats such as those found in red meats and butter, and cut out sugary carbohydrates found in junk food and highly-processed cereals. You can make additional dietary changes if, after a few weeks, you’re still not satisfied with your results.

Should I Take Creatine While Trying To Lose Belly Fat?

Creatine is not to blame for weight gain or loss, which is the first thing you should know about it. So creatine is definitely not the supplement you want to be taking if you’re trying to lose some belly fat or you just want to shed a few extra pounds.

Simply put, creatine has no relationship to your body fat, won’t aid in fat loss, and won’t make you put on additional weight through increased body fat.

When Should It Be Taken If Taking Creatine During A Diet?

The majority of experts concur that if you’re on a diet, exercising, and want to take a creatine supplement, you should wait until after your workout and take it with a small amount of some sort of simple sugar because the sugar will help to spike your insulin, which will move more creatine into your muscles.

Higher levels of creatine in your muscles will encourage the use of creatine rather than water retention.


After all, is said and done, you shouldn’t ever take any kind of creatine if all you’re after is to lose weight. In supplemental form, creatine can improve athletic performance by increasing muscle capacity.

However, it’s not the kind of supplement that will initially aid in weight loss. The same supplement, however, should be taken in different forms if you want to lose weight and build lean muscle mass.

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