how long will it take to lose 50 pounds

How Long Will It Take to Lose 50 Pounds?

Learn how long losing 50 pounds will take, and try out some weight-loss advice.

If you want to lose 50 pounds, you must develop lifelong healthy eating and exercise habits. This is not a simple task to complete, so you will need to exert effort, dedication, and patience to reach your target weight. It will take you at least six months to a year to lose 50 pounds if you are committed to doing so.

In order to keep you on track and ensure that your expectations are realistic, we’ll talk about how quickly you should be losing weight as well as other helpful hints.

How Long Will It Take to Lose 50 Pounds?

3,500 calories must be burned off in order to lose 1 lb. It’s challenging to determine the exact number of calories to consume daily because everyone’s daily calorie intake varies. 1,000 fewer calories per day equal 7,000 fewer calories per week.

You can lose 2 pounds by reducing your caloric intake by 7,000 calories. weight loss each week, so losing 50 lbs. will take 25 weeks or about six months.

Exercise Benefits

You can lose weight more quickly by increasing your activity level. Taking a brisk 30-minute walk each day burns around 173 calories if you weigh 200 lbs., provides information.

While it may not seem like much, it adds up to 1,211 extra calories or 1 lb per week. every three weeks, which could cut nearly a month off your total weight-loss time.

Low-impact aerobics knocks off 225 calories in half an hour while running at an 8-mile-per-hour pace eliminates more than 600 calories. Exercise truly makes a difference — but don’t hurt yourself. Develop your pace gradually at first.

how long will it take to lose 50 pounds

Risk Factors

Extreme health risks can result from attempting to lose weight quickly. Only with your doctor’s approval and guidance should you follow an extremely low-calorie diet for an extended period of time (less than 800 calories per day).

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders, 10 to 25% of individuals lose more than 3 pounds. per week develop gallstones, and of those, one-third have symptoms, sometimes requiring surgery.

8 Tips for Weight Loss

There’s one thing that I’ve found to be true with most people who want to lose 50-100 pounds of weight. They have a long mental journey ahead of them in addition to their physical journey.

And I find that it’s this mental journey that is most likely to derail their progress, especially as they do therapies (if you follow my recommendations) that are not “standard” or “conventional”.

Because you are eager for better outcomes, you are much more likely to abandon the group during this journey. Instead of doing this, remember these tips (and refer to them as often as you need!).

Have Patience

A marathon, not a sprint, is required to lose weight. Humans always want to sprint to the finish line, but in reality, losing weight—and accomplishing many other goals in life—is more like running a marathon.

You must evenly distribute your effort throughout the course of a marathon. If you put all of your energy into the first month of your weight loss journey, you might fall short as the going gets tougher. When it comes to weight loss, this is really just human nature.

how long will it take to lose 50 pounds

I completely understand that you want to see results right away, but putting all of your focus on the beginning could hurt your chances of success in the long run. Instead, understand that a normal amount of weight to lose each month is around 5-10 pounds.

To help you stay on course, keep this number in your mind.

Understand Your Body is Unique

The fact that you are unique is another thing you should be conscious of. This implies that your body and your outcomes will be unique from those of any other individual.

Your hormone levels are different, the amount of stress that you are under is different, your metabolism is different, the foods that your body needs are different, and so on.

Your weekly weight loss will likely depend on a combination of these factors, each of which has an impact. Looking at other people and contrasting your outcomes with theirs can quickly lead to getting off track.

Because there are so many things that affect your weight and because you are not them, you really can’t understand why they are losing weight so quickly unless you have access to their medical records and lab results.

Be Consistent

Even though it almost seems obvious, we should discuss this. Consistency is necessary if you want results that last. Being consistent means adhering strictly to your plan and taking the necessary actions each and every day.

The good news is that it’s probably easier than you think to lose weight gradually, but the bad news is that you have to stick with it for a longer period of time. It’s pretty easy to be consistent over a 1-2 month period.

Can you, however, maintain consistency for five months straight? What about 9 months?

It takes consistency over this time period, or even up to 12 months (depending on how quickly you can lose weight), for someone to get the long-lasting results they want.

how long will it take to lose 50 pounds

Trust the Process

This really only applies to those who are using the weight loss remedies I’ve listed here or in my weight loss manual.

People who want to lose weight but are stuck on the current dogma and just can’t seem to get away from it include people I personally know and have encountered.

Although it can be challenging to have faith in a process you don’t fully comprehend, I can assure you that the suggestions I make do in fact work.

Although they may differ from the current paradigm for treating obesity, thousands of patients have used them to date with great success. It’s simple to be skeptical of something you don’t fully comprehend or that seems different, but it’s crucial that you have faith in the process and follow it through.

As you do this you will find that it’s easier to stay consistent over the long term which will lead to lasting results.

Troubleshoot as You Go

To presume that you won’t experience any bumps in the road or issues would be foolish. You can anticipate hitting at least 1-3 weight loss plateaus if you are losing 50 to 100 pounds.

The most common symptom of these plateaus is a wall that makes it seem as though your current treatments are doing nothing to help you lose weight.

There are always ways to break through plateaus and I’m speaking as someone who has personally helped many people do it.

There are numerous causes of weight loss plateaus, but I’ve discovered that you can get past them by adjusting your hormones, taking different medications, changing your diet, changing how you exercise, and other things.

how long will it take to lose 50 pounds

Find the Foods (& Diet) That Work for You

There are many different types of diets available to you and the truth is that many of them are actually quite good.

As an example, you can potentially lose weight on any of the following diets:

  • Whole 30
  • Ketogenic diet
  • Paleo diet
  • Low fodmap diet
  • Whole food diets
  • Low carb diet

But notice that I said potentially. These diets must still be modified to fit your body, even though they have the potential to aid in weight loss.

Don’t Weigh Yourself Daily (But Do Track Results)

It’s important to track your results but it’s also important to avoid being obsessed with the scale and with your weight. It can be challenging to break this habit, especially for those who are obsessive about the scale’s reading.

However, there is a serious issue with that figure. It doesn’t always work out. Water weight, bloating, and even muscle mass all significantly affect that number on the scale.

Use Your Results to Build Momentum (Not to Bring You Down)

Lastly, you want to make sure that your results are uplifting and something that can help keep you going. It’s going to be very encouraging to see your measurements improve and the scale decrease each and every month. With this, you ought to be able to maintain consistency and gain momentum.

But what if you don’t get the outcomes you’re hoping for? That’s fine too because it means there is room for improvement or further iteration.

Keep your spirits up and don’t let a slowdown or plateau ruin your day. You run the risk of losing momentum and progress if you do.

Instead, see these challenges as a chance to grow and learn. The more you deal with them, the better you’ll be when issues come up in the future. It’s best to learn how to handle them as they arise because, I can assure you, they will arise.